Wednesday, 21 March 2007

post seventeen - mother's day

I call my mum.
Not too early mind - she likes a lie-in on a Sunday.

'err..... Hello?'
'Hi Mum, it's only me, just thought I would call and say 'Happy Mother's Day', sorry I can't be there. Thought we could have a nice chat instead.'
'err...... No problem darling, but, can I call you tomorrow instead?'
'Ye-ess.... where are you?'
'err.... I'm in Exeter.'

Feeling unwanted, I call my dad.
'err.... Hello?'
'Hi Dad... where are you?'
'I'm in Cornwall. Is everything ok?'
'Yeah, I just thought -'
'OK, well I'm a bit tied up at the moment, I'll call you tomorrow, love you.'

I just thought I would call and tell you that last week I knocked myself unconscious and had to go to hospital and no-one told you. You dirty dirty parents.

They felt mega guilty today though.

1 comment:

jfhkugasd said...

Aww poor you! It comes to something when you can't even count on your parents. :)