Tuesday, 20 February 2007

post fifteen - back to normal?


I am in my new home. The people who I'm lodging with are all lovely, except they are all studying the same thing so I feel a teeny bit left out. Especially because at the moment they are all downstairs at the moment doing a group project and I'm sat in my room reading Jules et Jim. Which is the most uninteresting book. Ever.

I also have the flu. This isn't what I had envisaged for my first few nights at the new place, but hopefully it will go away soon.

According to one of my old housemates, the ex SCREAMED at everyone else in the house when he realised I had gone. Apparently they should have stopped me from going. They quickly put him straight. Sunday night I received a torrent of abuse via text, voicemail and email. And yesterday I saw him walk past the front of my house on his way to work. Fortunately I have parked my car elsewhere to deter him, as I don't want him to know where I live, although this being an exceedingly small town I doubt it would take him long to figure it out!

So now hopefully my life can regain some aspects of normality...


Moi said...

Does everyone have the flu at the minute ?

une anglaise, aka 'Jim' said...

I would say at least half the population has got something...

jfhkugasd said...

Screamed at your housemates cause they should have stopped you!! OMG you are so much better off away from him.

une anglaise, aka 'Jim' said...

Despite having the flu, and the fact that I have been an insomniac for the past five years, I have never had such a good night sleep. It's lovely, Shame my room is so cold though!

Girl on A Train said...

You sound like you have had a rough time. Don't let this bastard ruin your degree though. And don't forget it is not long until you can escape the whole country. Once on your year abroad, this will feel like a million miles away!