Every Wednesday the Student's Union at my university have an 'indie' night, where they play rock, indie, metal and various stuff that you wouldn't hear on a mainstream night. That means no Black Eyed Peas, no Baywatch theme and no Britney. It is precisely for that reason I go. Every week.
So this week, is the first week that my bastard ex-boyfriend decides to go. With the 'new' girl. and promptly comes to stand where I am, and snog her face off. Wanker. I dissappeared into the ladies where I sat crying for about an hour, with my friends rallying round, bitching about him as best they could. Eventually, CJ went out and told him he was being an asshole, and he came in to talk to me.
I didn't hold back. My friends were restraining towards the end. I told him it was an absolute kick in the teeth, as he never EVER came to this night with me, yet he was quite prepared to come with her. I screamed evey name under the sun at him, telling him he was a useless boyfriend and didn't deserve me, that I wasted a hefty proportion of my life on him, and that he through it all away for some tart he met over Christmas.
He sneered at me. 'Me and N have so much in common, and we never did. You don't own this night, I can come out if I want.'
I learnt the next day that 'N' was so upset at what I said to him, that she cried, and according to a certain tosser, noone has ever made her cry. Shows what a heartless bitch she is then! She knows exactly what she has done wrong, now she is paying for it in guilt.
I passed her in the High Street today. Looked her straight in the eye, then turned away with my head held high.
I have just heard that she was going to come and talk to me at the same time as him. If she had, she would have regretted it. I regret nothing of what I said, as every ounce of it was the truth. And there is so much I want to tell her about him, but I can't for fear of being seen as bitter and twisted.
Which of course I am, but with good reason!