Sunday, 10 December 2006

post six - nothingness

It isn't nothingness in a bad way - like the way you feel after a break up.

It's nothingness in the way that, I have done absoloutely nothing today.

I woke up, saw the rain sheeting down outside, and made a conscience desision to not move for the entire day.

Therefore, except to use bathroom facilites and to cook food, I have not left my room.

I am still in pyjamas (well, little shorts bought in LeClerc and a t-shirt from Step-Gran with 'Florida' on it).

Although, I have written 300 words of a French rédaction on the benefits of work experience.

So, my time hasn't been completed wasted.*

*notice how I used 3 conjunction to start my sentences. I'll be using 'and' next. I was good at grammar at school. Look what university did to me.

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