It will only get messy.
Saturday night, our Italian Erasmus Friend's 29th Birthday. This is the guy who, the week before, I slept with and then found out he had a girlfriend. But I thought I would be sporting and go to his party anyway.
There were quite a few of us there, mostly other Erasmus Students. I took a bottle of wine along, and things were going quite nicely. We were being civil to each other, and it was all good. Until one of the Spaniards suggested a drinking game.
Aim of the Game: you all put your drinks in a circle, and another drink in the middle. You then take it in turns to throw a coin into the centre of the table. If the coin lands in someone's drink, they have to drink all of their drink. If the coin lands in the centre drink, everyone must drink. The last person to finish has to drink the drink in the middle. How many more times can I say 'drink' in this paragraph?
So we played this for a while. And all was fine. But, after we finished playing, I was sitting down with a friend and chatting, when all of a sudden, drunkness just hit me. I stood up to go to the bathroom, and my legs just collapsed from underneath me.
The next day, I woke up in the Italian's bed for the second time in a fortnight. This time, at least I had all my clothes on...whoops!*
I leave on Saturday. I'm not sure whether I'm sad about this or not. I have had some enjoyable moments, and some not so enjoyable moments. In all fairness, there isn't much going on here that I could report back to you all. Fingers crossed for Christmas and Spain though...
*this story might not be true. I'm just repeating what someone else told me...
I don't think drinking games ever really end well. That's why their such fun!
I have to agree. As I can't quite remember!
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